| 1. | The role and mutual recognition of uterine nk cells and trophoblasts 子宫自然杀伤细胞与滋养细胞间的识别及作用 |
| 2. | Natural killer cell , nk cell 是自然杀伤细胞 |
| 3. | Subset change of decidual nk cells infected by toxoplasma gondii during early pregnancy 骨髓内皮祖细胞促带蒂皮瓣血管化的实验研究 |
| 4. | Analysis on the change of t lymphocyte subsets and nk cells in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 68例系统型红斑狼疮中医证型与免疫学指标的关系 |
| 5. | Specific immunity can be induced by means of producing heat shock protein , which could activate nk cells 5 .产生热休克蛋白诱发机体的特异性免疫,活化nk细胞。 |
| 6. | Researchers at oxford university have also recently reported that fish oils significantly decrease natural killer or nk cell activity in healthy humans 牛津大学研究员最近报告鱼油对健康人群的nk细胞活性有积极作用或降低自然杀伤力。 |
| 7. | Cells of the immune system taking part in tumor - host interaction include t cells , natural killer cells ( nk cells ) and antigen - presenting cells ( apc , such as dendritic cells , b cells , macrophages ) 参与肿瘤免疫的免疫细胞主要有t细胞, nk细胞和抗原提呈细胞( apc ) 。 |
| 8. | It enhances thl cell growth , inhibits th2 cell growth and enhances the cytotoxic activity of cd8 + t cells and nk cells as well as stimulates b cell igg2a production 它能促进mhci类和11类分子的表达,促进thl和ctl的分化及b细胞iggza的产生,增强nk活性和ctl活性,抑制肿瘤血管的生成。 |
| 9. | Interferon - gamma ( ifn - y ) is a product of thl , cytotoxic t lymphocytes ( ctl ) and nk cells , and is one of the major effector molecules in cell - mediated immunity Y干扰素( intederon唱amma , ifn个)是由th 、 ctl及nk细胞等产生的th型细胞因子,在机体抗感染、抗肿瘤中发挥重要的作用。 |
| 10. | Fmu1 - 5 recognize domain 1 of extracelluar region cd226 molecule while and fmu6 - 7 for domain 2 . it has been demonstrated that only fmu1 - 3 can bind to t cell and regulate t cell and nk cell function 通过这套抗体研究了cd226在t细胞表面结构和功能的关系:发现fmul可以与t细胞结合, f刚47不能与t细胞结合。 |